刘旭东 女 |
职称:讲师 |
所属系室:应用数学系 |
最高学位:硕士 |
Tel:13551586172 Email : tianwen_2002@163.com |
< 个人简历 >
学术组织任职:IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 审稿人
< 主要论著 >
1. Zhao-Li Shen, T.-Z. Huang, B. Carpentieri, C. Wen, X.-M. Gu, Block-accelerated aggregation multigrid for Markov chains with application to PageRank problems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 59, 2018, pp. 472-487 . (SCI期刊,JCR大类二区小类一区)
2. Zhao-Li Shen, T.-Z. Huang, B. Carpentieri, C. Wen, X.-M. Gu, X.-Y. Tan, Off-diagonal low-rank preconditioner for difficult PageRank problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 346, 2019, pp. 456-470. (SCI期刊,JCR大类二区)
3. Zhao-Li Shen, T.-Z. Huang, B. Carpentieri, X.-M. Gu, C. Wen, An efficient elimination strategy for solving PageRank problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 298, 2017, pp. 111-122.(SCI期刊,JCR大类二区)
4. C. Wen, T.-Z. Huang, Zhao-Li Shen, A note on the two-step matrix splitting iteration for computing PageRank, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 315, 2017, pp. 87-97. (SCI期刊,JCR大类二区)
5. H.-F. Zhang, T.-Z. Huang, C. Wen, Zhao-Li Shen, FOM accelerated by an extrapolation method for solving PageRank problems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 296, 2016, pp. 397-409. (SCI期刊,JCR大类二区)
6. Y. Bu, B. Carpentieri, Zhao-Li Shen, T.-Z. Huang, A hybrid recursive multilevel incomplete factorization preconditioner for solving general linear systems, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 104, 2016, pp. 141-157. (SCI期刊,JCR大类二区)